How to configure pidgin with Office Communicator in CENTOS 7


since microsoft dont have any native client for Office Communicator in Linux, i am using pidgin for linux to solve this issue. there is some pro and cons for using Pidgin, i wont cover it in this post.

Here how to start up your installation.

Pidgin Version: Pidgin 2.10.11-5.el7 (libpurple 2.10.11)

1-Pidgin will require EPEL repository. you can skip this if u have already install Pidgin.

#yum install -y epel-release

2- install pidgin software with its plugin sipe.

#yum install -y pidgin pidgin-sipe

3- Open your newly installed pidgin. click on add account.

4- Go to basic tab. Choose protocol Office Communicator.

Username : <Full Email Address>
Login: <Domain>\<Username>
Password: <Domain Password>
Local Alias: <Your Alias> #not important

5- Go to Advance tab. 
Server[Port] : <your server name, please get your office communicator server address> eg:
Connection Type : <depends on your server confir> eg:SSL/TSL
you can skill other things.

6- Special step. pidgin will show read error if u have NSS_SSL problem. run below command to fixed the environment setting for NSS_SSL


7- Enjoy your pidgin client with office communicator.
