How to install Oracle Solaris 11.3 step-by-step

In this tutorial. i will guide on installation of Oracle Solaris 11.3 for dummy with picture.
Where to download Oracle Solaris 11.3
u can go to this link.
First, Accept the Licence Agreement. Fo this tutorial, Download the Live Media.

Choose Oracle Solaris 11.3
Loading Up
Choose Keyboard Layout. Recomended 27. ENTER
Choose Language. English is 3. ENTER
It will promt for username and password. Username : jack | Password : jack
It will take time to load the GUI. U can try solaris here in live version. To install, Click on Install Oracle Solaris.
Oracle Solaris Installer will open. NEXT
Disk Discovery. for this tutorial. we will use Local Disks. NEXT
Disk Selection. if you want to partition your installation, you can do it here. NEXT
Choose Time Zone, Date and Time. NEXT
Insert your user details here.NEXT
Support Registeration. if u are not subscribe to any support. Click on NEXT
Installation details. INSTALL
Finish Installation. REBOOT
Welcome. You are now successfully installing Solaris 11.3
