How to install FreeBSD 10.3

In this tutorial, we will learn on how to install FreeBSD 10.3 onto your machine.

First. get your copy of freeBSD from this link.

What i downlaod is (696 MB)-

FreeBSD 10.3 mediafire reupload link

if you want complete package. u can download the DVD version.

Insert your freebsd CD/DVD and boot into it.
Choose 1. ENTER
For this tutorial, i will teach on how to install. if u want to try the OS only, can go for Live CD
Choose keyboard layout. Use default if u dont know. Just ENTER

Set your choosen hostname. OK

Choose Distribution, this is to choose the system componen. Default is recomended. OK

Partitioning. Auto is recommended. If u know what u doing, choose Manual.

What i do is i used the entire partition. Entire Disk. if u want to partitionized, choose Partition.

Partition Scheme. Recomended to use GPT. OK

Partition Editor, all automaticaly setup. CREATE

Confirmation Box. COMMIT

The installer will do its work. Wait until finish.

After finish, it will ask for root Password for ROOT user. remember this password.

Network Configuration. Choose default. if you have 2-3 network cards, choose yours. OK

Network Configuration. This is for IPv4. I will use DHCP. YES

Configuring DHCP. YES

It will automatically get my IP. OK

System configuration is the service that u want to started when booting. Leave it to default. OK

If u want to add another user other than ROOT. Choose Yes

How to add user freebsd. Username.

leave the Uid Empty, Choose login group, In freeBSD the admin group is wheel. choose your password.

Confirmation box. type YES and ENTER.

Final configuration, u can repair or fix if u have done a wrong step before in this step. EXIT to finish. OK

If u want to use the shell command to do some configuration, Choose YES. else NO.


Congratulation. your freeBSD are now installed in the device. Login using your credential.

This is the page after succesfully login into FreeBSD.
If you have any problem or question, please ask below.
