Solarwind Network Analyzer Tools

Solarwind is a famous company that provide networking solution to industry. here we will test the free tools that provided by solarwind which is Solarwind Network Analyzer Tools.

Solarwind Network Analyzer Tools requirement.
.netfx 3.5. so you have to enable .net 3.5 first before installing this software.

How to download solarwind network analyzer tools? here is the link.
Insert your user credential. PROCEED TO DOWNLOAD

If there is no problem with your details. it will display like this picture. Click on the blue button (CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD)
Wait until it finish downloading
Open your download folder. NEXT
Insert your username and company name. NEXT
Choose destination folder. Recomended as default. NEXT
When finish. u can tick the box to open the software. FINISH
This is the first page when open the software for first time. i will teach on how to enable the feature next. CLOSED
Allow firewall for solarwind to access.
Fisrt, go to tools and click on add netwflow devices
Insert your devices ip addres. this is the device that you want to monitor. usualy default community string is public. this one you have to setup in your device (devices must snmp enabled).
Finish, now you can monitor your interface using this software
SOLARWIND NETFLOW ANALYZER is a piece of software that good to monitor realtime traffic flow. 

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