How to install Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 English-US


Download iso from Ubuntu website. Direct Link Here

you will get in your download folder. "ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso"
either burn it into a CD/DVD or u can create Live USB.

After successfully boot into ubuntu CD/USB.
-Choose your prefered language


what is download updates while installing ubuntu does?
-If u have internet connection, it is preferable to download updates while installing ubuntu. Downloading updates will update the version of package in ubuntu repositories so that u will get the latest version of package library to be install, remove or upgrade.

what install third-party software for graphix and wi-fi hardware, flash, MP3 and other media do?
-it will install your graphic card driver automatically (if compatible and available)
-installing CODEC for Video player and Audio for Media Player(so that you can watch .AVI .MKV .WMP movie)
-installing flash player
-install other third party media approved by ubuntu for basic Desktop Usage.


what is installation type in ubuntu installer.
Recommend -Erase disk and install ubuntu (if new computer, use this. it will erase and automaticaly format the hardisk)
-Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security (for advance and confidential usage. it will secure the data by encryption)
-Use LVM with with the new ubuntu installation (setup logical volume management. an advance way of managing your partition environment, many advantage for example live expand-shrink, snapshot)
-Something Else(custom partitioning. for advance user, they sometime would like to allocate certain amount of hardisk for each partition) 


Write changes to disk?
-double check your partition. determined the partition format (eg-ext4/ext3/swap)


Where are you?
-automatically detect. if not, choose your country. also can use the search box.


Choosing keyboard layout.
-automatically. if using different type of keyboard like apple keyboard. choose english (macintosh).


Key in computer details.
Your Name : Name
Your Computer Name : PC name/Domain Name
Pick a username : your username(keep it simple)
What log in automatically do in ubuntu?
-fast boot into desktop, no username and password promt on startup.

What is encrypt my home folder does?
it will incrypt your home folde. u dont need to insert password to access your folder as it will automaticaly decrypt when u logon. it just that if the attacker got your hardisk without the password, they will have hard time to access the files.


Finish for user interaction part. just wait for the installation bar to finish. after finish, it will promp user to restart the computer.


Welcome to your ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

If u have any problem with ubuntu installation, u can ask in the comment section.
