How to install 3DMARK for your computer bechmark

You can download 3Dmark on its website.
it has free version and paid version. as per 3dmark free version, the test is limited to only certain test. and there is no option to do customization of each test.

you can download 3DMark free here.

3DMARK installer size is around 3GB.
Size of 3Dmark when downlaod, it will come in compressed format

Choose language for 3Dmark, NEXT
End User License Agreement. Click on tick box i agree, NEXT

Choose Installation Directort. Recommended to use default. NEXT

Finish Installation. Now u can test your computer capabilities.
3Dmark is very good to test your graphic and computer power capabilities. it will give accurate and unbiased result:p. i dont have example to prove that. 
It will consift of graphic test, physic test and combined test.

absolutely recomended.

if you have any suggestion or question, please write in the comment section below.
