How to connect to FTP server

This tutorial will teach user on how to connect to FTP server.

User must have below requirement before continuing this tutorial.

1. VPN if needed. Make sure the Connectivity to the server is establish correctly.
2. Ipaddress @ hostname @ server name
3. Winscp @ filezille @ other FTP Client software.

First - Connecting FTP server using your windows explorer. this is the easiest way to connect to your ftp server.
Open Explorer. Type ftp://ServerAddress

Second - Connecting using your internet browser. This one have some limitation like read only access if not customized the website.
Open Browser, Go to ftp://ServerAddress and you will display webpage like this
Third, how to connect to FTP using winscp. Download Winscp here. This one is the most convenient way because you can read/write and know permision for the folder you want to access.
Choose File Protocol=FTP, Hostname=ServerAddress, Username and Password. LOGIN
Example of FTP using winscp
Final. How to connect to FTP using Filezilla. First Download FileZilla direct link Here.
Host = ServerAddress, Username=YOUR username, Password=YOUR Password. QUICKCONNECT
If any suggestion. please add in the comment section below.thanks
