Mantis Helpdesk Database Query Failed

Operating System : Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS
Mantis Version : Mantis 1.1.8

Solution: Repair the database(temporary), if problem occur again maybe have to migrate data to new database.

How to repair the database.
1- determined the database details. in mantis the database details is in
# vi /var/www/helpdesk/config_inc.php (Try to find config_inc.php if u cannot find it)

        $g_hostname = 'localhost';
        $g_db_type = 'mysql';
        $g_database_name = 'mantis';
        $g_db_username = 'Username';
        $g_db_password = '*****';
2 - from this details.connect to the database.
      mysql > mysqlcheck -hlocalhost -uUsername -p***** --repair --databases mantis;
-h hostname
-u username
-p Password

3- try to open Mantis again.


U can use the command given by mantis to DELETE FROM mantis_table WHERE xxxx;

